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Feb 14 2025 17:29

214.40 SEK0.20

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Feb 14 2025 17:29

214.40 SEK0.20

Create healthy buildings

Indoor environments are very important for our lives as we spend about 90 percent of our time indoors. We contribute to healthy buildings to improve well-being and productivity.

Increase awareness of healthy indoor air

Good indoor air is critical for our health. Lindab wants to contribute to a better indoor climate to make people's lives better.

With increased public awareness, the demand for better indoor climate is increasing. That will put pressure on development of solutions for better indoor air. 

Lindab will:

  • Increase public knowledge and awareness regarding good indoor air.
  • Increase demand for a healthy indoor climate when choosing a home, office or other indoor environment.





Drive standardisation and legislation

Lindab contribute to increasing the wellbeing of many people’s lives by raising the standards, regulations and laws on national and European level by developing future healthy and energy efficient buildings.

As a market leader for ventilation in Europe we embrace the responsibility to improve the standards for the indoor climate and make it mandatory for all buildings.

Lindab will:

  • Influence and drive regulations and standards in trade associations and other collaboration forums in all our markets.
  • If there is no association present, we will work to establish one.





Lindab's sustainability plan