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Mar 06 2025 17:29

205.80 SEK2.60

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Mar 06 2025 17:29

205.80 SEK2.60

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee submits proposals to the Annual General Meeting regarding the election of a chairman for the Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board and Auditors, as well as regarding fees to the Board and Auditors and regarding the composition of the Nomination Committee ahead of the ensuing Annual General Meeting.

Lindab´s Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee shall consist of at least four members, one of whom shall be the chairman of the Board. The chairman of the Board shall, no later than at the end of the third quarter of the year before the Annual General Meeting, contact the three largest shareholders listed in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden as of 31 August each year, and request them to appoint their representative to the Nomination Committee without delay. If a shareholder refrains from exercising its right to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee, the right to appoint a member of the Nomination Committee will pass on to the next largest shareholder that has not appointed a member of the Nomination Committee, whereby no more than ten shareholders need to be asked. Thereafter, the Nomination Committee may be constituted with three members.

The chairman of the Nomination Committee shall be the member that has been appointed by the largest shareholder unless the Nomination Committee decides otherwise. The chairman of the Board shall not be appointed chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The tasks of the Nomination Committee shall include evaluation of the composition and work of the Board, as well as submission of proposals to the Annual General Meeting regarding:

  • Election of Chairman of the Annual General Meeting
  • Election of Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board
  • Compensation to the Board of Directors, potential board committees and the Auditors
  • Changes to the instructions for the Nomination Committee

The mandate period of the Nomination Committee will run until a new Nomination Committee is constituted. In the event of a substantial change of ownership in the Company during the mandate period, the Nomination Committee shall invite the new major owner representation in the Nomination Committee. If a member appointed by a shareholder resigns during the mandate period, the shareholder shall have the right to appoint a new member within a time frame as decided by the Nomination Committee. No change in the composition of the Nomination Committee shall take place in the event that changes in the ownership structure occur later than two months prior to the Annual General Meeting.

The composition of the Nomination Committee shall be made public at least six months prior to the upcoming Annual General Meeting. The members of the Nomination Committee receive no remuneration from the Company but shall have the right to reimbursements from the Company for reasonable expenses. Nomination Committee was appointed in October 2024, Press release.

This instruction for the Nomination Committee shall be valid until the Annual General Meeting decides otherwise.

For further information please contact:

Kristian Åkesson, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, tel. +46 (0)709-40 37 90
Peter Nilsson, Chairman of the Board of Lindab International AB, tel. +46 (0)431-850 00
Ola Ranstam, General Councel Lindab AB, tel. +46 (0)701-49 78 10.